Cuba Teka

Masa tie kecil, ayah selalu suruh cabut uban dia setiap kali lepas lunch…gatal katanya…Sambil buat ‘kerja’ tu , ayah akan bagi teka-teki untuk menghilangkan rasa bosan.
Antaranya yang tie masih ingat ialah:-

1. Mak terbaring, anak tergolek..

2. Kakinya satu, jalannya laju, tapi dok situ je..tak ke mana pun…

3. Maknya diam aje, manakala anak2nya main api…

Jawapannya masih ada kat rumah mak tie.. kalau bijak mesti tahu jawabnya..cubalah teka yek !….(nie betul2 habis idea… he he…)



1. When you buy greeting cards, are the words or the picture more important to you?
Hmm dua2 sama penting tu…

2. What’s your favorite kind of cake?
Chocolate and cheese cake..yum yum…

3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them?
Hmm …tengok keadaan lah…

4. What’s your favorite holiday?
I never did have any holiday with the kids around..

5.Are you going on holiday this year? If so, where?
Rasa2nya tidak..mungkin balik kota shopping je kat jb tu..

6. What was the best party you’ve ever been to?
Eh!..masa kecik2 ada birthday party cousin..tapi tak best pun…tak dapat

7. If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what would your ideal
wedding be like?
Weddingnya sederhana je..buat kat dewan Mawar JB..

8. What’s the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to you?
Shhh….tak leh cakap… he he..

9. What’s your favorite girl’s name?

10. What’s your favorite boy’s name?
Tak de kot…

11. Which celebrity would you like a dream date with?
Tak leh cakap…malu…hi hi….

12. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful?
Ramai gak…

13. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive?
Pierce Bronsnan….suka kat dia sejak sek men lagi..senyuman dan hu..

14. What is your best character trait?
Tak tahulah..

15. What is your worst habit
Rahsia.. he he..

So, Kamar…dah langsai hutang ni…he he…


Bear ni tie terima dari Siti Khuzaimah…terima kasih byk2….kalau ada apa2 lagi jangan segan hulurkan ke sini…He he..jenis muka tak malu..(sorok muka dlm bantal)


Tie baru terima award ni dari Diyana.. Terima kasih yek…Wah ..sibuk betul tie minggu ni..baju blink2 tu entah berapa kali tie pakai tika terima award2 ni..Kasut tumit 4 inci ni pun dah haus dibuatnya.. he he..